Are your daily choices connected to your purpose?

As our kids grow up, (16, 18, and 20! I can’t believe it!) Susan and I are trying to help them learn to see the world through the lens of God’s Word. that includes figuring out how to make choices this morning as well as understanding the big questions like the meaning of life. Last week we started a new series of episodes on the podcast that I am really excited about. Life 101! The concept is simple. I had some things that I wanted to talk to our kids about anyway so we decided to invite everyone to join us as Susan and I parent teenagers in real time. We will record the discussion and at least some of our follow-up discussions asa we go along. The first lesson was a simple talk on our purpose. We ended with the homework assignment to brainstorm several questions and write out a rough draft of a life purpose statement. the next day we took a trip to the store to buy notebooks and pens for everyone to use as we go through the process of strategic planning for life!

If you are someone who struggles with a clear plan and keeping the focus on the main things, grab a notebook and pen and joins us on the journey. I think it will be fun and I am sure we can all learn something along the way. Keep running!